Saturday, December 12, 2015


Ann Veronica Janssens' new extraordinary show entitled 'yellowbluepink'. Part of her States Of Mind collection the exhibition explores light and colour as Janssens invades the gallery space with coloured mist. The gradually shifting colour is caught in a state of suspension, obscuring any detail of surface or depth. Instead, attention is focussed on the process of perception itself.

The exhibition was highly disorientating, and even isolating at times when the twenty or so people in the space simply disappeared into the mist, but was also revealed to be obscurely uplifting when exiting the space and sight was fully restored. The use of colour appeared to be so simple, and yet remarkably complex once inside. The sensation of being surrounded and engulfed by a medium such as colour that isn't usually accessible in such a physical form was unlike anything I've ever experienced before.

An accompanying publication was also produced by Hato Press

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Photography Induction - Aperture and Shutter Speed

In this simple task we had to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of aperture and shutter speed within photography. A low aperture (a larger hole in the lens) lets in more light, which results in an overexposed photograph, and a high aperture (a smaller hole in the lens) lets in less light, resulting in an underexposed photograph.



Using a slow shutter speed means the shutter is open for longer, which blurs fast moving objects, whereas a fast shutter speed captures fast moving objects quickly and in greater detail because the shutter is open for a shorter amount of time. 

slow shutter speed

fast shutter speed

Monday, December 7, 2015

End of Module Three Reflection

The feedback from my first module submission on this course came back very positive, with a grade of 74%, or the equivalent of a first. I was very pleased with this result, as this module had tested me in many new and different ways. Each project within the module was new to me, as I had never before undertaken a rebranding project, or a typeface creation, or a serious logo design. I was unsure about how to approach all of these briefs at first, however I worked hard to learn as much as I could about each of these different areas, using the supplied texts and recommended designers to inform my work, and applied my own knowledge of design to each one. The results were successful as this is a high grade for the first module. I hope to continue this level of research and use a more varied range of production methods within my next briefs.