Tuesday, October 25, 2016

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 01 - NEST Issue 10 Meeting With Pressision

NEST magazine is printed professionally at Pressision Creative Print and Finishing, a nationally renowned print company located just outside of Leeds city centre. Forming a close relationship with the staff at Pressision is an important part in the role of Editor. Efficient communication with the printers will ensure each issue runs smoothly and to schedule, and as each member of the team also has a background in the creative industries, collaborating with them on certain aspects of the magazine's production will produce the highest quality publication, and even some ideas that I may have though were inconceivable.

During our first meeting I discussed with them some loose ideas for the publications form and I was shown the vast range of finishes that they were able to produce, including printing with white ink, printing on plastics and translucent materials, and embossing and foiling. Although it will be a minimum of several weeks before I am able to start the designs for the magazine, knowing the extent of the production methods that I am able to use has greatly expanded my vision for this project and also allowed me a valuable insight into professional print production that will be invaluable in the creation of other project throughout my degree.