Contact your interviewee and give them a reason for your contact and why you chose them in particular.
Arrange a mutual method of connection: in person, skype, email, telephone, or any other method that is acceptable.
Make a list of what you want to get out of the interview and don't leave until you have an answer to all of your questions.
Make sure everything is planned in accordance with deadlines so you have plenty of time to conduct an interview around both yours and your interviewees schedules .
Interview Advice:
Start slow, safe and personal - begin with questions that address the interviewee specifically
Coax, don't hammer - a soft style that coaxes can be revealing, newsworthy and give more useful answers
Make some questions open-ended - allows the interviewee to give more than what you have asked
Ask what you don't know - surprising answers can often be the best answers
Let them wander, but be careful - wandering can lead to a deeper conversation, but be mindful of time
The construction of the interview should be based on what you want to achieve from it.
Don't send advance questions - avoid if possible as the interviewee will only answer what you have asked and responses will be limited
View set questions as a guidelines - be open for the interview to reach unexpected territory
Be prepared - most often an interviewees response to a question will beg for a follow up and many times the follow up question will reveal more than the initial answer, so be prepared to go off script
Listen, really listen - re-approach topics that the interviewee appears passionate about and be careful not to revisit topics that the interviewee does not want to discuss
There are dumb questions - avoid repetition or obvious questions that have been answered before
Types of Questions:
Introducing questions - through these questions you introduce a topic
why did you...
can you tell me about...
Follow up questions - allows you to elaborate on certain points and gain more information
would you be able to clarify...
can we go back and talk more about...
Specifying questions - allows you to clarify facts of uncertain points
what happened when you said that...
what did he/she say next...
Indirect questions - you can ask these to get the interviewees true opinion
and what happened next...
Structuring questions - these move the interviewee on to the next subject
Interpreting questions
did you mean that...
moving on to...
Good leading questions:
Whats the best advice you've ever received?
Who inspires you and why?
What's the hardest lesson you've ever learned?
Describe a defining moment in your life?
What is your biggest accomplishment?
Do you have a personal motto?